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Business advice

Residential rental properties - has the dust settled?

May, 2022

In March 2021, the government announced significant (and unexpected) changes which impacted investors in residentia...

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Business advice

What is Kiwisaver and how does it work for self-employed

May, 2022

There are confusion around Kiwisaver for self-employed Kiwis. This blog answered the common questions, from what is...

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Business advice

Personal and private use of business assets

April, 2022

Knowing if you've used your business assets for personal and private use is essential for tax deduction at the end ...

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Business advice

Borrowing? It’s not you, it’s the lender.

March, 2022

To borrow money, you need to prove you have value in the underlying asset (can the lender sell it and recover its m...

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Why strategy fails but intent works

March, 2022

Sue de Bievre discusses strategy vs intent and how business owners can build intent into their business to drive te...

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Residual vs Provisional vs Terminal taxes – confused?

February, 2022

If you’re not dealing with the subject every day, it’s difficult to understand, and you’re not alone! We'll explain...

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Business advice

Trusts – do you still need them?

February, 2022

Back in the ‘old days’, it was common practice to purchase a family property and put it into the trust as there are...

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Understanding the goodness that exists in business

February, 2022

Sue de Bievre shares her thoughts on ‘the goodness in business’ and how we could all stand to be a bit more trustin...

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Business advice

What happens if I’m trading while insolvent?

February, 2022

If your continuing business has insufficient money to pay bills in the normal course of business – employees, suppl...

Read more about What happens if I’m trading while insolvent?