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Is it under $1,000? Yes? It’s now fully deductible!
January, 2022Fixed assets that cost less than $1,000 can be written off immediately.
At what stage is your business?
December, 2021Like it or not, the world of business revolves around numbers. Tracking too many metrics can be just as damaging as...
Cryptocurrency - Inland Revenue is catching up
December, 2021For crypto assets, profits on the disposal are subject to income tax and must be included in your tax return.
Getting ready to exit your business
November, 2021You've made the important decision to exit your business. Don't underestimate the work involved in this process.
GST - special transactions
November, 2021GST can be a minefiled and there are some transactions that may require additional attention.
Information vs knowledge
November, 2021Not knowing what you don't know is stressful. In this technical age, we can often feel like we're at information ov...
Our top FAQs on accounting and tax
October, 2021Our Support team receives dozens of questions each day and we love helping you. We may not be able to respond immed...
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What is a cash flow forecast?
October, 2021Define what a cash flow forecast is and how it differs from a budget.
What’s the difference between a company director and a shareholder?
October, 2021People can easily confused about company director and shareholder. In this blog, we'll briefly explain their differ...
How does ACC work if you're self employed?
October, 2021Here is some general information about the ACC cover options if you're self-employed.