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Business advice

How accounting systems optimise businesses

July, 2021

With every year bringing more integrations between accounting packages and business software, we're able to see inf...

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Business advice

How are you doing (financially)?

July, 2021

Most business owners have a way of measuring their success. It could be cash in the bank, number of clients on a wa...

Read more about How are you doing (financially)?
Business advice

Business tips – customers

July, 2021

Explore our tips for generating more sales from customers.

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Financial literacy

What’s included in a balance sheet?

July, 2021

Up to speed on why balance sheets are important? Now you're ready to understand them inside-out.

Read more about What’s included in a balance sheet?
Financial literacy

The difference between accrual and cash accounting

July, 2021

You may have heard about financial statements being prepared on either an accrual or a cash basis and wondered what...

Read more about The difference between accrual and cash accounting
Business advice

The power of email marketing to help you grow your business

July, 2021

Email marketing entails first acquiring email addresses of current and prospective customers (more on how to do tha...

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Business advice

Call yourself an entrepreneur?

July, 2021

Entrepreneurs have a calling in life – I think they like to do their own thing first and foremost.

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Business advice

Top 3 Tips for increasing your business profit

July, 2021

Beany has released its top 3 tips for increasing sales so let’s look at the other side of the equation – the top 3 ...

Read more about Top 3 Tips for increasing your business profit