5 practical tips for buying a business

1. Buy a business, not a job
2. Do your homework
3. Focus on a familiar industry
4. Look for ways to add value
5. Imagine the worst before you invest
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Whether you are buying a business for the first time, or adding another one to your empire, it’s a challenging process that can involve a lot of money and risk. To help guide you, below are five tips that highlight key things to consider before you take the plunge.​
1. Buy a business, not a job
If you’re spending your hard earned money to buy a business, it’s vital that you make sure it is actually a business, and not just a job.​
What’s the difference? Most businesses are priced on their ability to generate profit once all business expenses have been paid. Let’s say that the business for sale looks like this (excluding assets):​
This looks good, right? But what if you need to work full-time in the business to generate the $75,000 profit. This means you are effectively paying the seller $100,000 so you can earn what you could in a (relatively well-paid) job without paying, or risking, a cent.​
This is an extreme example, but I have seen many similar opportunities presented to people. The critical thing is to be certain that the profit of the business is agreeable to you after all business costs are met, including your time to generate that profit.​
2. Do your homework
As with any purchase, it pays to shop around. There are loads of businesses for sale in this country, so take your time looking at what’s out there and weigh up the pros and cons of each prospect. Get independent expert advice (i.e. not from the seller or their business broker) to help ensure you’re buying something that is right for you, in ways that matter to you. For example, on top of the financial stuff, you should also assess the location and potential workload.​
Most importantly (to accountants like us, at least), make sure that you buy at the right price. Paying too much at the beginning can create an uphill financial battle that may prove too steep.​
For example, going back to the fictitious firm, let’s say that you’ve bought it with a business loan for $100,000. You’re working full-time in the business to earn the $75,000 ‘profit’, and on top of that, you need to meet repayments for your business loan. Obviously, in this basic example, the price is way too high.​
In real-life, though, it can be hard to determine the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ price (underlining the importance of expert advice). Business valuations are notoriously tricky and usually based on a multiplier of the profit, which is based on risk – the riskier the business, the lower the multiplier. Another way to think of it is to work out how many years it would pay to cover the purchase price.​
So, for a traditionally ‘risky’ business, such as a cafe or restaurant:​
If the net profit is $75,000, then that might only be multiplied by 2 to get the valuation = $150,000. After two years, you’ve recouped your investment.​
Conversely, if the business is a commercial property with a 20-year lease, the multiplier will be more like 14 times as this is a much safer investment.​
In other words, it’s crucial that the price of the business reflects the underlying risks and rewards.​
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3. Focus on a familiar industry
There’s always a lot to learn when you buy a new enterprise. For example, you have to become familiar with the systems, employees, customers and suppliers. This can take a lot of time and energy.​
We’d recommend therefore that you avoid compounding this workload by having to learn about a whole new industry as well – that is, unless you are totally committed to breaking into a new one.​
Instead, find a business that allows you to capitalise on your industry knowledge, as well as your skills, experience and contacts.​
4. Look for ways to add value
There are two ways to make money in business:​
- Generate profits
- Add to the value of your business so that when you sell it, you make a capital gain*
So don’t just think about profit; also consider how you can add value. A business with a low profit, and therefore a low valuation, might be worth more to you if there is something specific about it that you can improve.​
Maybe you’re a hospitality whiz and the cafe you want to buy is in a great location, but has been run by the Addams family who have frightened off customers. Can you add value by introducing your style and flair to the operation? Importantly – if you think you can improve a business, make sure you have a plan for this prior to purchase, rather than buying it and hoping you’ll work it out later on.​
* A capital gain on selling a business is not taxable​
5. Imagine the worst before you invest
No one likes to talk about this, but every business person, at some point, has lost, or will lose, money on a business or a deal. When you’re considering buying a business, imagine losing everything you’ve invested in it. Can you handle that thought?​
If you’re ok with that potential outcome, and you’ve taken our tips on board, then you’re in a better position than many others to proceed.​
We always advise you talk to an independent expert before buying a business.​
Who are Beany?
We’re an online accounting firm that is always right here for you, your accounting pain relief. The most advanced technology lets us work way more closely with you than a normal accountant would. ​
We have a dedicated team of remote accountants to take care of your business no matter where you are, so you can focus on growing your business. We take out the ‘fluff’, break down the barriers and get things done. Looking out for you is what we are all about. Get started for free today.  ​
Sue de Bièvre
Beany Co-Founder
An intrepid entrepreneur and feminist with a penchant for disruption; spotting problems and rolling her sleeves up to fix them makes Sue tick.
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